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mangust-lis: В данном разделе представлена продукция, немного сумасшедшей, слегка обкуренной, совсем цуцуть пьяной и все же весьма веселой и душевной компании... И так уважаемые леди и джентльмены судостроительная компания "МАНГУСТА ШИП ДИ БИЛДИНГ", при поддержке Межгосударственной корпорации массового оболванивания "ПРИНЕСИ-ПОДАЙ" представляет:

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mangust-lis: von Echenbach пишет: Спасибо. жду не спеша. Между тем ваша просьба натолкнула меня на одну весьма любопытную идейку.... в общем эволюция "ревельского монстрика":

von Echenbach: mangust-lis пишет: весьма любопытную идейку НЕ-еее... Оно интересно, но мой интерес именно в архитектуре носовой части - как опосредованное влияние Миоко - Наки. А внедрение между КО башни имеет место и смысл при развитии "русского миоко".

Инженер Сидоров: Прошу принять заказ. Быстроходный броненосец. Вооружение 5х2 - 254/45 (в башнях), 14х1 - 120/45 (размещение в казематах). Скорость 23 узла. Предельная осадка 28 футов. Размещение башен ГК: 1 в носу, 2 в корме линейно-возвышенно, 2 побортно со смещением (обеспечить возможность стрельбы обеих бортовых башен на один борт). Главный броневой пояс в пределах цитадели 10" мм, в оконечностях 4", верхний пояс и продольное бронирование казематов 5", главная броневая палуба и скосы 2,5", боевая рубка и башни ГК 8". Основное назначение - линейный бой в составе эскадры однотипных кораблей. Район действия - Тихий Океан.

mangust-lis: Инженер Сидоров пишет: Прошу принять заказ. Хмммм... можно поробовать, только о сроках я даже говорить не буду, я сейчас не так много уделяю время кораблям как в былые времена... Но есть вопросы: 1. дизайн: а. германский. б. британский. с. американский.. д. итальянский. (лягушатников не рисую...) 2. Длина\ширина. 3. наличие полубака. 4. примерный год закладки девайса Ну и последнее шарповские расчеты не делаю, не умею...

mangust-lis: Еще.... Тип СУ(ПТ, ПМ) количество валов..... И Вы понимаете, что при подобной линейно-эшелонированной компоновке, минимум длины составит 155-160 метров ( классика жанра немцы тип Мольтке, тип Кайзер, Зейдлиц; британцы Нептун и тип Колоссус)... И это уже не броненосец.... как не вертите

Инженер Сидоров: 1. В 1904 годе подобное сооружение обязательно будет обозвано "Эскадренный броненосец" (другой терминологии не изобретено еще) 2. Силовая установка ПТ, прямоприводная, 4-вальная (считать экспериментальной). Компоновка - линейная, 4 вала. Котлы на нефтянке. 3. Заказчик - Княжество Черногория, строитель - САСШ. Год закладки 1902 (вступление в строй в ходе РЯВ до сдачи Порт-Артура). 4. С размерениями пока вопрос - сам с Шарпом не дружен. Скорее всего, вряд ли меньше Дредноута. Полубак удлиненный, переходит в каземат. 5. Минные аппараты отсутствуют. Малокалиберная артиллерия - 4 - 47-мм, по 2 на носовом и кормовом мостиках для сигналов и салютов. 6. Плавсредства: 2 50-фт паровых катера, 2 40-фт паровых баркаса, 2 20-весельных баркаса, 4 гребных катера, 2 вельбота и 2 яла.

mangust-lis: Инженер Сидоров пишет: С размерениями пока вопрос - сам с Шарпом не дружен. Скорее всего, вряд ли меньше Дредноута. В основу положил Эрин, больше более близкого не нашел... Цорна гора, Королевство черногория Battleship laid down 1902 Displacement: 15 441 t light; 16 271 t standard; 17 345 t normal; 18 204 t full load Dimensions: Length (overall / waterline) x beam x draught (normal/deep) (514,50 ft / 510,00 ft) x 83,02 ft x (26,90 / 27,93 ft) (156,82 m / 155,45 m) x 25,30 m x (8,20 / 8,51 m) Armament: 10 - 10,00" / 254 mm 45,0 cal guns - 504,26lbs / 228,73kg shells, 150 per gun Breech loading guns in turret on barbette mounts, 1902 Model 2 x 2-gun mounts on sides, forward deck aft 3 x 2-gun mounts on centreline ends, majority aft 14 - 4,72" / 120 mm 45,0 cal guns - 53,17lbs / 24,12kg shells, 150 per gun Breech loading guns in casemate mounts, 1902 Model 14 x Single mounts on side ends, majority forward 14 hull mounts in casemates- Limited use in heavy seas 4 - 1,85" / 47,0 mm 45,0 cal guns - 3,19lbs / 1,45kg shells, 150 per gun Breech loading guns in deck and hoist mounts, 1902 Model 4 x Single mounts on centreline ends, evenly spread Weight of broadside 5 800 lbs / 2 631 kg Armour: - Belts: Width (max) Length (avg) Height (avg) Main: 10,0" / 254 mm 300,00 ft / 91,44 m 7,00 ft / 2,13 m Ends: 4,00" / 102 mm 200,00 ft / 60,96 m 7,00 ft / 2,13 m 10,00 ft / 3,05 m Unarmoured ends Upper: 5,00" / 127 mm 250,00 ft / 76,20 m 7,00 ft / 2,13 m Main Belt covers 90% of normal length Main belt does not fully cover magazines and engineering spaces - Gun armour: Face (max) Other gunhouse (avg) Barbette/hoist (max) Main: 8,00" / 203 mm 8,00" / 203 mm 9,00" / 229 mm 2nd: 5,00" / 127 mm - - - Armoured deck - multiple decks: For and Aft decks: 2,50" / 64 mm Forecastle: 2,50" / 64 mm Quarter deck: 2,50" / 64 mm - Conning towers: Forward 8,00" / 203 mm, Aft 0,00" / 0 mm Machinery: Oil fired boilers, steam turbines, Direct drive, 4 shafts, 36 240 shp / 27 035 Kw = 23,00 kts Range 5 300nm at 10,00 kts Bunker at max displacement = 1 933 tons Complement: 755 - 982 Cost: £1,818 million / $7,271 million Distribution of weights at normal displacement: Armament: 1 518 tons, 8,8% - Guns: 1 518 tons, 8,8% Armour: 4 760 tons, 27,4% - Belts: 1 558 tons, 9,0% - Armament: 1 731 tons, 10,0% - Armour Deck: 1 356 tons, 7,8% - Conning Tower: 115 tons, 0,7% Machinery: 5 491 tons, 31,7% Hull, fittings & equipment: 3 672 tons, 21,2% Fuel, ammunition & stores: 1 904 tons, 11,0% Miscellaneous weights: 0 tons, 0,0% Overall survivability and seakeeping ability: Survivability (Non-critical penetrating hits needed to sink ship): 9 712 lbs / 4 405 Kg = 19,4 x 10,0 " / 254 mm shells or 1,5 torpedoes Stability (Unstable if below 1.00): 1,44 Metacentric height 7,1 ft / 2,2 m Roll period: 13,1 seconds Steadiness - As gun platform (Average = 50 %): 53 % - Recoil effect (Restricted arc if above 1.00): 0,42 Seaboat quality (Average = 1.00): 1,77 Hull form characteristics: Hull has rise forward of midbreak, a normal bow and a cruiser stern Block coefficient (normal/deep): 0,533 / 0,539 Length to Beam Ratio: 6,14 : 1 'Natural speed' for length: 22,58 kts Power going to wave formation at top speed: 51 % Trim (Max stability = 0, Max steadiness = 100): 30 Bow angle (Positive = bow angles forward): -5,00 degrees Stern overhang: 4,50 ft / 1,37 m Freeboard (% = length of deck as a percentage of waterline length): Fore end, Aft end - Forecastle: 21,80%, 28,40 ft / 8,66 m, 27,34 ft / 8,33 m - Forward deck: 48,20%, 27,34 ft / 8,33 m, 27,34 ft / 8,33 m - Aft deck: 12,70%, 16,80 ft / 5,12 m, 16,80 ft / 5,12 m - Quarter deck: 17,30%, 16,80 ft / 5,12 m, 16,80 ft / 5,12 m - Average freeboard: 24,27 ft / 7,40 m Ship space, strength and comments: Space - Hull below water (magazines/engines, low = better): 129,9% - Above water (accommodation/working, high = better): 184,5% Waterplane Area: 29 083 Square feet or 2 702 Square metres Displacement factor (Displacement / loading): 84% Structure weight / hull surface area: 103 lbs/sq ft or 503 Kg/sq metre Hull strength (Relative): - Cross-sectional: 0,65 - Longitudinal: 1,67 - Overall: 0,71 Caution: Hull subject to strain in open-sea Cramped machinery, storage, compartmentation space Excellent accommodation and workspace room Excellent seaboat, comfortable, can fire her guns in the heaviest weather Warning: Beam between bulkheads too wide

mangust-lis: Башни чьи? С "сортиров" или наши цилиндрические? С сортиров предпочтительней...

Инженер Сидоров: Башни - наши, Металлического Завода, которые на Пересветах стояли.

GromoBoy: mangust-lis пишет: лягушатников не рисую... Я! Я! mangust-lis пишет: Цорна гора *типа заправский черногор* Црна!

Инженер Сидоров: Несмотря на заказчика, имена у первой серии вполне российские: Москва, Санкт-Петербург, Киев, Варшава...

mangust-lis: Инженер Сидоров пишет: Башни - наши, Металлического Завода, которые на Пересветах стояли. А зачем?

mangust-lis: Вариант 1 Москва, Королевство Черногория Battleship laid down 1902 Displacement: 17 395 t light; 18 239 t standard; 20 873 t normal; 22 980 t full load Dimensions: Length (overall / waterline) x beam x draught (normal/deep) (540,58 ft / 534,78 ft) x 78,74 ft x (26,25 / 28,45 ft) (164,77 m / 163,00 m) x 24,00 m x (8,00 / 8,67 m) Armament: 10 - 10,00" / 254 mm 45,0 cal guns - 504,26lbs / 228,73kg shells, 100 per gun Breech loading guns in turret on barbette mounts, 1902 Model 2 x 2-gun mounts on sides, forward deck aft 3 x 2-gun mounts on centreline ends, majority aft 14 - 4,72" / 120 mm 45,0 cal guns - 53,18lbs / 24,12kg shells, 350 per gun Breech loading guns in casemate mounts, 1902 Model 14 x Single mounts on side ends, majority forward 14 hull mounts in casemates- Limited use in all but light seas 4 - 1,85" / 47,0 mm 45,0 cal guns - 3,20lbs / 1,45kg shells, 150 per gun Breech loading guns in deck and hoist mounts, 1902 Model 4 x Single mounts on centreline ends, evenly spread Weight of broadside 5 800 lbs / 2 631 kg Armour: - Belts: Width (max) Length (avg) Height (avg) Main: 10,0" / 254 mm 300,00 ft / 91,44 m 7,00 ft / 2,13 m Ends: 4,00" / 102 mm 200,00 ft / 60,96 m 7,00 ft / 2,13 m 34,78 ft / 10,60 m Unarmoured ends Upper: 5,00" / 127 mm 250,00 ft / 76,20 m 7,00 ft / 2,13 m Main Belt covers 86% of normal length Main belt does not fully cover magazines and engineering spaces - Torpedo Bulkhead - Strengthened structural bulkheads: 2,50" / 64 mm 300,00 ft / 91,44 m 19,00 ft / 5,79 m Beam between torpedo bulkheads 78,74 ft / 24,00 m - Gun armour: Face (max) Other gunhouse (avg) Barbette/hoist (max) Main: 8,00" / 203 mm 8,00" / 203 mm 9,00" / 229 mm 2nd: 5,00" / 127 mm - - - Armoured deck - multiple decks: For and Aft decks: 2,50" / 64 mm Forecastle: 2,50" / 64 mm Quarter deck: 2,50" / 64 mm - Conning towers: Forward 8,00" / 203 mm, Aft 0,00" / 0 mm Machinery: Oil fired boilers, steam turbines, Direct drive, 4 shafts, 39 494 shp / 29 463 Kw = 23,00 kts Range 5 297nm at 14,00 kts Bunker at max displacement = 4 741 tons Complement: 867 - 1 128 Cost: £1,955 million / $7,820 million Distribution of weights at normal displacement: Armament: 1 518 tons, 7,3% - Guns: 1 518 tons, 7,3% Armour: 5 211 tons, 25,0% - Belts: 1 570 tons, 7,5% - Torpedo bulkhead: 527 tons, 2,5% - Armament: 1 425 tons, 6,8% - Armour Deck: 1 559 tons, 7,5% - Conning Tower: 131 tons, 0,6% Machinery: 5 984 tons, 28,7% Hull, fittings & equipment: 4 682 tons, 22,4% Fuel, ammunition & stores: 3 478 tons, 16,7% Miscellaneous weights: 0 tons, 0,0% Overall survivability and seakeeping ability: Survivability (Non-critical penetrating hits needed to sink ship): 15 458 lbs / 7 012 Kg = 30,9 x 10,0 " / 254 mm shells or 2,2 torpedoes Stability (Unstable if below 1.00): 1,08 Metacentric height 4,0 ft / 1,2 m Roll period: 16,5 seconds Steadiness - As gun platform (Average = 50 %): 100 % - Recoil effect (Restricted arc if above 1.00): 0,71 Seaboat quality (Average = 1.00): 1,33 Hull form characteristics: Hull has rise forward of midbreak, a normal bow and small transom stern Block coefficient (normal/deep): 0,661 / 0,671 Length to Beam Ratio: 6,79 : 1 'Natural speed' for length: 25,02 kts Power going to wave formation at top speed: 52 % Trim (Max stability = 0, Max steadiness = 100): 84 Bow angle (Positive = bow angles forward): 3,00 degrees Stern overhang: 4,50 ft / 1,37 m Freeboard (% = length of deck as a percentage of waterline length): Fore end, Aft end - Forecastle: 20,00%, 24,84 ft / 7,57 m, 20,34 ft / 6,20 m - Forward deck: 60,00%, 20,34 ft / 6,20 m, 20,34 ft / 6,20 m - Aft deck: 2,70%, 10,17 ft / 3,10 m, 10,17 ft / 3,10 m - Quarter deck: 17,30%, 10,17 ft / 3,10 m, 10,17 ft / 3,10 m - Average freeboard: 18,67 ft / 5,69 m Ship tends to be wet forward Ship space, strength and comments: Space - Hull below water (magazines/engines, low = better): 115,5% - Above water (accommodation/working, high = better): 146,2% Waterplane Area: 33 434 Square feet or 3 106 Square metres Displacement factor (Displacement / loading): 95% Structure weight / hull surface area: 130 lbs/sq ft or 637 Kg/sq metre Hull strength (Relative): - Cross-sectional: 0,96 - Longitudinal: 1,43 - Overall: 1,00 Cramped machinery, storage, compartmentation space Excellent accommodation and workspace room Ship has slow, easy roll, a good, steady gun platform Good seaboat, rides out heavy weather easily Вариант 2 Москва, Королевство Черногория Battleship laid down 1902 Displacement: 17 808 t light; 18 658 t standard; 21 188 t normal; 23 213 t full load Dimensions: Length (overall / waterline) x beam x draught (normal/deep) (540,58 ft / 534,78 ft) x 78,74 ft x (26,25 / 28,35 ft) (164,77 m / 163,00 m) x 24,00 m x (8,00 / 8,64 m) Armament: 10 - 10,00" / 254 mm 45,0 cal guns - 504,26lbs / 228,73kg shells, 100 per gun Breech loading guns in turret on barbette mounts, 1902 Model 2 x 2-gun mounts on sides, forward deck aft 3 x 2-gun mounts on centreline ends, majority aft 14 - 4,72" / 120 mm 45,0 cal guns - 53,18lbs / 24,12kg shells, 350 per gun Breech loading guns in casemate mounts, 1902 Model 14 x Single mounts on side ends, majority forward 14 hull mounts in casemates- Limited use in all but light seas 4 - 1,85" / 47,0 mm 45,0 cal guns - 3,20lbs / 1,45kg shells, 150 per gun Breech loading guns in deck and hoist mounts, 1902 Model 4 x Single mounts on centreline ends, evenly spread Weight of broadside 5 800 lbs / 2 631 kg Armour: - Belts: Width (max) Length (avg) Height (avg) Main: 10,0" / 254 mm 300,00 ft / 91,44 m 7,00 ft / 2,13 m Ends: 4,00" / 102 mm 200,00 ft / 60,96 m 7,00 ft / 2,13 m 34,78 ft / 10,60 m Unarmoured ends Upper: 5,00" / 127 mm 250,00 ft / 76,20 m 7,00 ft / 2,13 m Main Belt covers 86% of normal length Main belt does not fully cover magazines and engineering spaces - Torpedo Bulkhead - Strengthened structural bulkheads: 2,50" / 64 mm 300,00 ft / 91,44 m 19,00 ft / 5,79 m Beam between torpedo bulkheads 78,74 ft / 24,00 m - Gun armour: Face (max) Other gunhouse (avg) Barbette/hoist (max) Main: 8,00" / 203 mm 8,00" / 203 mm 9,00" / 229 mm 2nd: 5,00" / 127 mm - - - Armoured deck - multiple decks: For and Aft decks: 2,50" / 64 mm Forecastle: 2,50" / 64 mm Quarter deck: 2,50" / 64 mm - Conning towers: Forward 8,00" / 203 mm, Aft 0,00" / 0 mm Machinery: Coal fired boilers, reciprocating cruising steam engines and steam turbines Direct drive, 2 shafts, 40 015 ihp / 29 851 Kw = 23,00 kts Range 5 297nm at 14,00 kts Bunker at max displacement = 4 555 tons (100% coal) Complement: 877 - 1 141 Cost: £2,021 million / $8,084 million Distribution of weights at normal displacement: Armament: 1 518 tons, 7,2% - Guns: 1 518 tons, 7,2% Armour: 5 228 tons, 24,7% - Belts: 1 571 tons, 7,4% - Torpedo bulkhead: 527 tons, 2,5% - Armament: 1 425 tons, 6,7% - Armour Deck: 1 573 tons, 7,4% - Conning Tower: 132 tons, 0,6% Machinery: 6 352 tons, 30,0% Hull, fittings & equipment: 4 711 tons, 22,2% Fuel, ammunition & stores: 3 380 tons, 16,0% Miscellaneous weights: 0 tons, 0,0% Overall survivability and seakeeping ability: Survivability (Non-critical penetrating hits needed to sink ship): 14 702 lbs / 6 669 Kg = 29,4 x 10,0 " / 254 mm shells or 2,1 torpedoes Stability (Unstable if below 1.00): 1,08 Metacentric height 4,1 ft / 1,2 m Roll period: 16,4 seconds Steadiness - As gun platform (Average = 50 %): 100 % - Recoil effect (Restricted arc if above 1.00): 0,70 Seaboat quality (Average = 1.00): 1,31 Hull form characteristics: Hull has rise forward of midbreak, a normal bow and small transom stern Block coefficient (normal/deep): 0,671 / 0,681 Length to Beam Ratio: 6,79 : 1 'Natural speed' for length: 25,00 kts Power going to wave formation at top speed: 52 % Trim (Max stability = 0, Max steadiness = 100): 84 Bow angle (Positive = bow angles forward): 3,00 degrees Stern overhang: 4,50 ft / 1,37 m Freeboard (% = length of deck as a percentage of waterline length): Fore end, Aft end - Forecastle: 20,00%, 24,84 ft / 7,57 m, 20,34 ft / 6,20 m - Forward deck: 60,00%, 20,34 ft / 6,20 m, 20,34 ft / 6,20 m - Aft deck: 2,70%, 10,17 ft / 3,10 m, 10,17 ft / 3,10 m - Quarter deck: 17,30%, 10,17 ft / 3,10 m, 10,17 ft / 3,10 m - Average freeboard: 18,67 ft / 5,69 m Ship tends to be wet forward Ship space, strength and comments: Space - Hull below water (magazines/engines, low = better): 119,4% - Above water (accommodation/working, high = better): 145,9% Waterplane Area: 33 744 Square feet or 3 135 Square metres Displacement factor (Displacement / loading): 93% Structure weight / hull surface area: 130 lbs/sq ft or 636 Kg/sq metre Hull strength (Relative): - Cross-sectional: 0,96 - Longitudinal: 1,41 - Overall: 1,00 Cramped machinery, storage, compartmentation space Excellent accommodation and workspace room Ship has slow, easy roll, a good, steady gun platform Good seaboat, rides out heavy weather easily

Олег: Уатс в такое водоизмещение вместил сам "Дредноут"

mangust-lis: Куда нам до гениев

mangust-lis: Вариант 3 Москва В4, Королевство Черногория Эскадренный броненосец laid down 1902 Displacement: 12 211 t light; 12 947 t standard; 15 472 t normal; 17 493 t full load Dimensions: Length (overall / waterline) x beam x draught (normal/deep) (533,63 ft / 531,50 ft) x 78,74 ft x (26,25 / 28,80 ft) (162,65 m / 162,00 m) x 24,00 m x (8,00 / 8,78 m) Armament: 6 - 10,00" / 254 mm 45,0 cal guns - 504,26lbs / 228,73kg shells, 100 per gun Breech loading guns in turret on barbette mounts, 1902 Model 3 x 2-gun mounts on centreline ends, majority aft 4 - 10,00" / 254 mm 45,0 cal guns - 504,26lbs / 228,73kg shells, 100 per gun Breech loading guns in turret on barbette mounts, 1902 Model 2 x Single mounts on sides amidships 14 - 4,72" / 120 mm 45,0 cal guns - 53,18lbs / 24,12kg shells, 350 per gun Breech loading guns in casemate mounts, 1902 Model 14 x Single mounts on side ends, majority forward 8 hull mounts in casemates- Limited use in heavy seas 2 - 1,85" / 47,0 mm 45,0 cal guns - 3,20lbs / 1,45kg shells, 150 per gun Breech loading guns in deck and hoist mounts, 1902 Model 2 x Single mounts on centreline, forward deck forward 2 - 1,85" / 47,0 mm 45,0 cal guns - 3,20lbs / 1,45kg shells, 150 per gun Breech loading guns in deck and hoist mounts, 1902 Model 2 x Single mounts on centreline, aft deck aft Weight of broadside 5 800 lbs / 2 631 kg Armour: - Belts: Width (max) Length (avg) Height (avg) Main: 10,0" / 254 mm 328,08 ft / 100,00 m 10,83 ft / 3,30 m Ends: 4,00" / 102 mm 196,85 ft / 60,00 m 10,83 ft / 3,30 m 6,56 ft / 2,00 m Unarmoured ends Upper: 5,00" / 127 mm 259,19 ft / 79,00 m 3,28 ft / 1,00 m Main Belt covers 95% of normal length - Gun armour: Face (max) Other gunhouse (avg) Barbette/hoist (max) Main: 8,00" / 203 mm 8,00" / 203 mm 8,00" / 203 mm 2nd: 8,00" / 203 mm 8,00" / 203 mm 8,00" / 203 mm 3rd: 5,00" / 127 mm - - - Armoured deck - multiple decks: For and Aft decks: 0,79" / 20 mm - Conning towers: Forward 8,00" / 203 mm, Aft 0,00" / 0 mm Machinery: Oil fired boilers, ERROR: no steam engines, Direct drive, 4 shafts, 32 482 shp / 24 232 Kw = 23,00 kts Range 6 600nm at 14,00 kts Bunker at max displacement = 4 546 tons Complement: 693 - 901 Cost: £0,936 million / $3,744 million Distribution of weights at normal displacement: Armament: 1 518 tons, 9,8% - Guns: 1 518 tons, 9,8% Armour: 4 068 tons, 26,3% - Belts: 2 053 tons, 13,3% - Armament: 1 578 tons, 10,2% - Armour Deck: 330 tons, 2,1% - Conning Tower: 107 tons, 0,7% Machinery: 0 tons, 0,0% Hull, fittings & equipment: 6 626 tons, 42,8% Fuel, ammunition & stores: 3 261 tons, 21,1% Miscellaneous weights: 0 tons, 0,0% Overall survivability and seakeeping ability: Survivability (Non-critical penetrating hits needed to sink ship): 57 876 lbs / 26 252 Kg = 115,8 x 10,0 " / 254 mm shells or 8,0 torpedoes Stability (Unstable if below 1.00): 1,15 Metacentric height 4,5 ft / 1,4 m Roll period: 15,5 seconds Steadiness - As gun platform (Average = 50 %): 79 % - Recoil effect (Restricted arc if above 1.00): 0,73 Seaboat quality (Average = 1.00): 1,87 Hull form characteristics: Hull has rise forward of midbreak, a normal bow and a cruiser stern Block coefficient (normal/deep): 0,493 / 0,508 Length to Beam Ratio: 6,75 : 1 'Natural speed' for length: 23,05 kts Power going to wave formation at top speed: 47 % Trim (Max stability = 0, Max steadiness = 100): 42 Bow angle (Positive = bow angles forward): -5,00 degrees Stern overhang: 2,13 ft / 0,65 m Freeboard (% = length of deck as a percentage of waterline length): Fore end, Aft end - Forecastle: 15,00%, 25,92 ft / 7,90 m, 25,92 ft / 7,90 m - Forward deck: 45,00%, 25,92 ft / 7,90 m, 25,92 ft / 7,90 m - Aft deck: 21,00%, 18,93 ft / 5,77 m, 18,93 ft / 5,77 m - Quarter deck: 19,00%, 18,93 ft / 5,77 m, 18,93 ft / 5,77 m - Average freeboard: 23,12 ft / 7,05 m Ship space, strength and comments: Space - Hull below water (magazines/engines, low = better): 31,7% - Above water (accommodation/working, high = better): 180,5% Waterplane Area: 27 707 Square feet or 2 574 Square metres Displacement factor (Displacement / loading): 174% Structure weight / hull surface area: 175 lbs/sq ft or 853 Kg/sq metre Hull strength (Relative): - Cross-sectional: 1,07 - Longitudinal: 3,13 - Overall: 1,19 Excellent machinery, storage, compartmentation space Excellent accommodation and workspace room Ship has slow, easy roll, a good, steady gun platform Excellent seaboat, comfortable, can fire her guns in the heaviest weather

Инженер Сидоров: mangust-lis пишет: Machinery: No fuel, Internal combustion motors, Direct drive, 4 shafts, 31 640 shp / 23 604 Kw = 23,00 kts Range 6 600nm at 14,00 kts Bunker at max displacement = 4 436 tons Это что? На подвесных моторах, надо полагать?

mangust-lis: Вариант 4 С ПМ Москва В4, Королевство Черногория Эскадренный броненосец laid down 1902 Displacement: 13 275 t light; 14 001 t standard; 15 036 t normal; 15 863 t full load Dimensions: Length (overall / waterline) x beam x draught (normal/deep) (536,91 ft / 534,78 ft) x 75,46 ft x (26,35 / 27,43 ft) (163,65 m / 163,00 m) x 23,00 m x (8,03 / 8,36 m) Armament: 6 - 10,00" / 254 mm 45,0 cal guns - 504,26lbs / 228,73kg shells, 100 per gun Breech loading guns in turret on barbette mounts, 1902 Model 3 x 2-gun mounts on centreline ends, majority aft 4 - 10,00" / 254 mm 45,0 cal guns - 504,26lbs / 228,73kg shells, 100 per gun Breech loading guns in turret on barbette mounts, 1902 Model 2 x Single mounts on sides amidships 14 - 4,72" / 120 mm 45,0 cal guns - 53,18lbs / 24,12kg shells, 350 per gun Breech loading guns in casemate mounts, 1902 Model 14 x Single mounts on side ends, majority forward 8 hull mounts in casemates- Limited use in heavy seas 2 - 1,85" / 47,0 mm 45,0 cal guns - 3,20lbs / 1,45kg shells, 150 per gun Breech loading guns in deck and hoist mounts, 1902 Model 2 x Single mounts on centreline, forward deck forward 2 - 1,85" / 47,0 mm 45,0 cal guns - 3,20lbs / 1,45kg shells, 150 per gun Breech loading guns in deck and hoist mounts, 1902 Model 2 x Single mounts on centreline, aft deck aft Weight of broadside 5 800 lbs / 2 631 kg Armour: - Belts: Width (max) Length (avg) Height (avg) Main: 10,0" / 254 mm 328,08 ft / 100,00 m 10,83 ft / 3,30 m Ends: 4,00" / 102 mm 196,85 ft / 60,00 m 10,83 ft / 3,30 m 9,84 ft / 3,00 m Unarmoured ends Upper: 5,00" / 127 mm 259,19 ft / 79,00 m 3,28 ft / 1,00 m Main Belt covers 94% of normal length Main belt does not fully cover magazines and engineering spaces - Gun armour: Face (max) Other gunhouse (avg) Barbette/hoist (max) Main: 8,00" / 203 mm 8,00" / 203 mm 8,00" / 203 mm 2nd: 8,00" / 203 mm 8,00" / 203 mm 8,00" / 203 mm 3rd: 5,00" / 127 mm - - - Armoured deck - multiple decks: For and Aft decks: 0,79" / 20 mm - Conning towers: Forward 8,00" / 203 mm, Aft 0,00" / 0 mm Machinery: Oil fired boilers, complex reciprocating steam engines, Direct drive, 3 shafts, 31 728 ihp / 23 669 Kw = 23,00 kts Range 5 500nm at 12,00 kts Bunker at max displacement = 1 862 tons Complement: 678 - 882 Cost: £1,585 million / $6,340 million Distribution of weights at normal displacement: Armament: 1 518 tons, 10,1% - Guns: 1 518 tons, 10,1% Armour: 4 044 tons, 26,9% - Belts: 2 043 tons, 13,6% - Armament: 1 578 tons, 10,5% - Armour Deck: 318 tons, 2,1% - Conning Tower: 105 tons, 0,7% Machinery: 4 370 tons, 29,1% Hull, fittings & equipment: 3 342 tons, 22,2% Fuel, ammunition & stores: 1 761 tons, 11,7% Miscellaneous weights: 0 tons, 0,0% Overall survivability and seakeeping ability: Survivability (Non-critical penetrating hits needed to sink ship): 7 842 lbs / 3 557 Kg = 15,7 x 10,0 " / 254 mm shells or 1,4 torpedoes Stability (Unstable if below 1.00): 1,22 Metacentric height 4,7 ft / 1,4 m Roll period: 14,6 seconds Steadiness - As gun platform (Average = 50 %): 78 % - Recoil effect (Restricted arc if above 1.00): 0,78 Seaboat quality (Average = 1.00): 1,85 Hull form characteristics: Hull has rise forward of midbreak, a normal bow and a cruiser stern Block coefficient (normal/deep): 0,495 / 0,502 Length to Beam Ratio: 7,09 : 1 'Natural speed' for length: 23,13 kts Power going to wave formation at top speed: 46 % Trim (Max stability = 0, Max steadiness = 100): 42 Bow angle (Positive = bow angles forward): -5,00 degrees Stern overhang: 2,13 ft / 0,65 m Freeboard (% = length of deck as a percentage of waterline length): Fore end, Aft end - Forecastle: 15,00%, 25,92 ft / 7,90 m, 25,92 ft / 7,90 m - Forward deck: 45,00%, 25,92 ft / 7,90 m, 25,92 ft / 7,90 m - Aft deck: 21,00%, 18,93 ft / 5,77 m, 18,93 ft / 5,77 m - Quarter deck: 19,00%, 18,93 ft / 5,77 m, 18,93 ft / 5,77 m - Average freeboard: 23,12 ft / 7,05 m Ship space, strength and comments: Space - Hull below water (magazines/engines, low = better): 125,3% - Above water (accommodation/working, high = better): 178,2% Waterplane Area: 26 765 Square feet or 2 487 Square metres Displacement factor (Displacement / loading): 85% Structure weight / hull surface area: 100 lbs/sq ft or 488 Kg/sq metre Hull strength (Relative): - Cross-sectional: 0,62 - Longitudinal: 1,48 - Overall: 0,67 Caution: Hull subject to strain in open-sea Cramped machinery, storage, compartmentation space Excellent accommodation and workspace room Ship has slow, easy roll, a good, steady gun platform Excellent seaboat, comfortable, can fire her guns in the heaviest weather

Инженер Сидоров: Что же, бить по сему!

mangust-lis: тоесть с паровой машиной и с Caution: Hull subject to strain in open-sea ??? ну и скорость экономического хода занижена...

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